Myths You Probably Have Heard about Plastic Injection Molding

Plastic injection molding appears to be a popular choice among manufacturing techniques introduced over the last century. However, because manufacturing is a multifaceted process, you must determine whether plastic injection molding is appropriate for you.

The internet is a plethora of information. While there is plenty of information available to assist you in determining whether plastic injection molding is right for you, there is also a lot of misinformation floating around the industry. Here are some common myths about plastic injection molding that you may have heard.


It is only suitable for long production runs

Plastic injection molding, contrary to popular belief, is not limited to high-volume manufacturing. It can be used to make parts in any quantity. It's also capable of manufacturing prototypes in a single cycle.

Plastic molds produce a small number and low-quality parts

Many manufacturers believe that using plastic molds for injection molding results in low-quality parts being produced in small quantities. They assumed that plastic molds were only suitable for low-volume production. The good news is that these molds can also produce thousands of high-quality parts before they wear out.

The mold can easily get damaged

Like a sandwich wrapper or a piece of furniture, not all plastics are fragile. Molds can also be made from high-quality plastic materials. These materials have a high density and can withstand thousands of cycles without deterioration.

Plastic injection molding cannot be used for prototyping

Apart from the myths and falsehoods regarding plastic injection molding that we have already exposed, there is another one with which we strongly disagree: plastic injection molding is not suitable for prototyping. Because of this misconception, many manufacturers neglect this method for prototyping parts.


Some of the reasons given include being excessively time-consuming and costly. This belief is held by those who do not fully comprehend the process. In reality, if you know how to do it correctly, injection molding may be a cost-effective prototype method.

It can reduce production time and accelerate the time between product conception and market availability. Consider how streamlining the procedure and having a speedy turnaround could help you outrank your competitors.



You now have a better understanding of the misconceptions about plastic injection molding. Because it is both cost-effective and efficient, plastic injection molding can be an excellent production procedure for your component's needs. If you are looking for the top plastic injection manufacturers then contact Advantage Plastics. We help the customers select the most cost-effective material for the job.


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